Rau txhua lub teb chaws

Rau txhua lub teb chaws yog feem thib peb thiab feem kawg ntawd peb tug tim khawv.Nyob hauv Vajtswv nrog peb nyob, peb tau pom Khetos los. Nyob rau hauv Teshaujlwm peb tau pom txoj kev yug los thiab pub fwj chim rau thawj lub pawg ntseeg. Tam sim no peb tau pom txoj kev loj hlob tshwj xeeb ntawm pawg ntseeg thiab nrhiav seb lub tswv yim dab tsi uas cov thawj cov thwj tim coj txoj hmoo zoo mus rau ntau lub teb chaws.Nyob rau hauv Teshaujlwm tshooj 10-28. Zaj yeeb yaj kiab tshwj xeebb no qhia txog kev ntseeg ntawm cov ntseeg tau hloov pauv lub ntaij teb licas. Pom zoo rau cov menyuam yaus hnub nyoog 7 xyoo thiab laus dua.

Txhua Tshooj

  • God With Us

    Discover the power and love of Jesus Christ and see why His followers risked all to carry His message to the ends of the earth. Children and adults al... more

  • The Messengers

    Having risen from the dead, Jesus Christ has appeared to His disciples and instructed them saying, "Remain in Jerusalem until you are filled with powe... more

  • To Every Nation

    To Every Nation is the third and final installment of The Witnesses Trilogy. In God With Us, we witnessed the coming of Christ. In The Messengers, we ... more
