Uthenga wabino was Luka

UTHENGA WABWINO WA LUKA, kuposa wina uliwonse, umagwirizana ndi mbiri yakale. Luka, monga “wofotokozera” zochitika, amawona Yesu kukhala “Mpulumutsi” wa anthu onse, nthaŵi zonse kumbali ya osowa. Kujambula kochititsa chidwi kumeneku - kokhala ndi zida zomangidwa mwapadera komanso madera akumidzi ku Morocco - kwayamikiridwa ndi akatswiri azachipembedzo kuti ndi nkhani yapadera komanso yowona kwambiri ya nkhani ya Yesu. Wojambula ndi Lumo Project.


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