Heroic Faith - Series
Mndandanda 2 Magawo
Zofunika kutsogozedwa ndi makolo
Suffering for Christ's name happens all over the world and we have a responsibility to pray for and support our brothers and sisters in these afflicted countries. In these short films from Voice of the Martyrs, persecuted Christ followers across three continents share their stories of hope and faith in the midst of terrible suffering. These believers' steady faith and forgiveness in the face of tormentors will remind us of the great hearts of our brothers and sisters in the rest of the world.
- Chi abaniya
- Chi arabiki
- Chi azebaijani
- Chibangla (Ambiri)
- Chi bengali
- Chi bumise
- Chi kantonizi
- Chi Chinese (chophweketsedwa)
- Chi cheki
- Chi Datchi
- Chingerezi
- Chi falansa
- Chi Geremane
- Greek
- Chi Hausa
- Chi Hebeli
- Chi Hindi
- Chi Indoneziya
- Chi Kannada
- Chi Koreya
- Chi lawo
- Chi Marathi
- Chi nepali
- Odia (Oriya)
- Chi peresi
- Chi Polishi
- Chipwitikizi (ChiBrazil)
- Chipwitikizi (Chizungu)
- Chi romaniya
- Chi rasha
- Chisipanishi (Latin America)
- Chi tagalogu
- Chi Telugu
- Chi Urudu
- Chi vetenamu
Liena: Syria
As Liena prayed, she offered God her life in order to be His witness in war-torn Syria. But she sensed God asking for more than her own life. Could sh... more
Liena: Syria
As Liena prayed, she offered God her life in order to be His witness in war-torn Syria. But she sensed God asking for more than her own life. Could she make that commitment?
Sang-chul: North Korea
The story is told through the eyes of one of Pastor Han’s disciples, Sang-chul, a man who has followed in his mentor’s footsteps by continuing to shar... more
Sang-chul: North Korea
The story is told through the eyes of one of Pastor Han’s disciples, Sang-chul, a man who has followed in his mentor’s footsteps by continuing to share the gospel with North Koreans despite the danger.