الإيمان البطولي - سلسلة
શૃંખલા 17 એપિસોડ્સ
تقعُ المعاناة من أجل اسم المسيح في جميع أنحاء العالم، وعلينا مسؤولية الصلاة من أجل الإخوة والأخوات في هذه البلدان المنكوبة ودعمهم. سنشاهد في هذه الأفلام الثمانية القصيرة من صوت الشهداء، أتباعًا للمسيح مضطهدين عبر ثلاثة قارات يُشاركون قصصهم الملآنة بالأمل والإيمان وسط المعاناة رهيبة. إن إيمان هؤلاء المؤمنين الثابت وغفرانهم في وجه المعذبين يذكرنا بالقلوب العظيمة لإخوتنا وأخواتنا في بقية العالم.
Sarah: China
Sarah was arrested and beaten for helping publish an underground church magazine.
Alex: Colombia
A Colombian man who survived a brutal massacre led by FARC terrorists and his journey to forgive his attempted killers through the love of Jesus Chris... more
Shafia: Pakistan
Shafia's kidnapping nightmare ended when she found the door to her crude prison unlocked. But as one nightmare ended another began.
Salavat: Uzbekistan
Salavat knows what it's like to spend time in prison for his faith. He also knows how his family suffered. Now he thinks he may be sent back to prison... more
Padina: Iran
Padina was determined to kill herself. She planned to honor Allah....by embarrassing Jesus Christ. She was the perfect Muslim, but soon Muslims would ... more
Boun: Laos
Respected as a communist soldier. Rejected as a follower of Jesus Christ. Imprisoned for Christ for more than a decade.
Victoria: Nigeria
As Victoria and fellow believers at the Deeper Life Church in Gombe, Nigeria, prayed together for the persecuted church, they couldn't imagine how soo... more
Liena: Syria
As Liena prayed, she offered God her life in order to be His witness in war-torn Syria. But she sensed God asking for more than her own life. Could sh... more
Suta: India
See how Suta's obedience to God, in returning to the village that Hindu activists had ordered him to leave, changes not only his life but the man who ... more
Hannelie: Afghanistan
When Hannelie and her family left their comfortable home in South Africa to serve on the front lines in Afghanistan, they knew the risks. But they wou... more
Solitary Prayer
This is the story of how one man's faithfulness and suffering led to a worldwide network of support for persecuted Christians.
صة فاصيل
سيُلهمك هذا الفيديو ويضع أمامك تحدِّيًا لك وللمسيحيين الآخرين لكي تصلُّوا من أجل عائلتنا المسيحية الباكستانية، ومن أجل المؤمنين المضطهدين في جميع أنحا... more
قصة سانغ تشول
تُروى القصة عبر عيون أحد تلاميذ القس هان، سانغ تشول، الرجل الذي سار على خُطى معلمه بالاستمرار في مشاركة الإنجيل مع الكوريين الشماليين على الرغم من الخ... more
Janette: Central African Republic
Janette's Story is a dramatic portrayal of how persecuted Christians in the Central African Republic have been displaced from their homes and village... more
Finding Life
Despite imprisonment and other persecution, Sabina and Richard Wurmbrand faithfully advanced the gospel in Romania, abandoning selfish pursuits and ob... more
Rebecca: Nigeria
Rebecca: Nigeria, tells the story of a Nigerian woman who watched helplessly with her daughter as Boko Haram militants killed her husband and son, and... more
Sejun: Nepal
Over his nine-year stay in the monastery, Sejun experienced the darkness of Buddhism at the hands of those who supervised him. When he ran away from t... more